
Installing Space Cloud on Docker Desktop

Step 1: Install Docker Desktoplink

Install the latest version of Docker Desktop.

We recommend enabling WSL2 on Windows for the best experience. Refer this guide to enable WSL2 on Windows.

Don’t forget to enable Kubernetes from the Docker Desktop Dashboard.

Enable Kubernetes in Docker Desktop

Make sure you provide atleast 2 CPUs and 4GB Memory to the Docker Desktop VM. This isn’t required when using WSL2.

Step 2: Install Istiolink

Space Cloud requires Istio to work correctly. The default Istio profile works perfectly well.

Download the latest istio release:

curl -L | sh -

Space Cloud has been tested with Istio versions v1.8.X, v1.7.X and v1.6.X.

Move to the Istio package directory and install Istio. For example, if the package is istio-1.8.0:

cd istio-1.8.0
./bin/istioctl install --set profile=demo

For more detailed Istio install instructions, visit the Istio Docs

Step 3: Install Space Cloudlink

To install Space Cloud, first download space-cli:

Now install Space Cloud using the following command:

space-cli setup

For details on how to customise Space Cloud installation, visit the customisation docs.

Wait for all the pods to start:

kubectl get pods -n space-cloud --watch

Step 4: Open Mission Controllink

You should be able to access Mission Control on http://localhost/mission-control.

The default credentials are:

  • Username: admin
  • Key: 1234

You can change it by editing the admin.username and admin.password variables of the space-cloud configuration file.

Next Stepslink

Awesome! We just started Space Cloud using Kubernetes. Next step would be to set up a project to use Space Cloud in your preferred language.

Feel free to check out various capabilities of space-cloud:

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