
Delete file/folder

You can easily allow users to delete a file or folder via the File Management module of Space Cloud by calling a simple function, as shown below:

import { API } from "space-api";

// Initialize api with the project name and url of the space cloud
const api = new API("todo_app", "http://localhost:4122");

// Delete a file
  .then(res => {
    if (res.status === 200) {
      // File deleted successfully
    // Error deleting file
  .catch(ex => {
    // Exception occured while processing request

The delete function takes a path of the file or folder you want to delete.

The delete function recursively deletes all files/folders in a folder if the path was for a folder. The path can be nested as well. For e.g a path - /folder1/folder2/file1 would mean to delete the file - file1 inside folder2 which is in folder1.


A response object sent by the server contains the status fields explained below:

status: Number describing the status of the upload operation. Following values are possible:

  • 200 - Successfully deleted file/folder
  • 401 - Request was unauthenticated
  • 403 - Request was unauthorized
  • 500 - Internal server error

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